Our Chicks
We call our authors chicks, because…well…it fits the theme, doesn’t it?
Obviously, this raises a bit of a problem, as not all of them necessarily might be women. We’ll just ignore that for now, because…corporate identity! 😉
Here’s an overview of our chicks (authors) in no particular order.
badidol is the initiator, administrator and owner of chicksdonthavedicks.com. Born 1981, he is a digital native and grew up in a world, that was a lot easier to live in. Genders and pronouns were straight forward things that depended only on mere facts rather than who may or may not have had a bad shit this morning and then went on to make up things to try and force the world into borders they could deal and cope with more easily. As you might’ve gathered from these past few lines already, he’s a sarcastic sun of a gun and will choose a direct, straight forward approach over tender loving restraint every single time. He’s technically not a chick, being a male and what not, but we’ll have to make SOME concessions here 😉
Maybe you’d like to be a chick? In case you’re not clear on what that might entail, we explained that here. If that sounds like something, you might be interested in, give us a holler at becomingachick@chicksdonthavedicks.com.